New Weekly Group Run (coming soon) for the slower paced among us J
Maybe you’re a “newbie,” or you enjoy taking time to enjoy the scenery. Perhaps you’re recovering from an injury, or you need an evening run to take it easy and recover from a tough weekend race or long run. Maybe this is just how you roll, and you’d like to share the trail with others of the same speed. Whatever your reason, plan to come out and run with a group of others at a 10-12 min/mile pace.
Starting Monday March 11th there will be a group meeting at Chagrin River Park (at 3100 Reeves Road, Willoughby) at 6:00 p.m. All ability levels are encouraged to join in the fun. The park’s relatively flat and wide trails are a combination of hard packed dirt and crushed limestone. The simple loops make it easy to do increments of 1,3 and 5 miles in a beautiful setting of trees, fields and the Chagrin River. All of these loops pass the parking lot, so you can come join the group and run any distance you like. The park also has multiple restrooms and water. Each Monday we will meet at the Reeves Road entrance (parking lot across from the restrooms) and gather according to desired distance and pace.
Park Map: